Welcoming Maurizio Taverna as a new committer to Apache Isis

I’m delighted to announce that Maurizio Taverna has been voted in as a committer on Apache Isis.

Maurizio came across Isis at the beginning of the year, and since then has been working rapidly and enthusiastically to develop a new viewer using DHTMLX. Although (because of licensing restrictions) this codebase cannot be donated to Isis, it’s a substantial and impressive piece of work. If you’ve not seen it yet, there’s an online demo here and the code is on github.

Maurizio has also demonstrated the viewer as an app running on Google App Engine (the demo above is running on GAE). To do this he has identified and addressed several improvements; these have been fed back to a few changes to the JDO objectstore component, as well as new documentation on our website.

Maurizio has also had several ideas to help publicise and promote Isis, including a series of animated interviews (a draft of the first of which can be seen here).

I’d personally like to thank Maurizio for all his hard work so far, and to say that I’m very much looking forward to working with him and gaining from his experience in the future.

April 26, 2013 apache-isis announce java