Converting from Hamcrest to AssertJ

Don’t quite know how I missed it all these years, but I only recently discovered AssertJ.  So I’ve started to use it in some of the Isis Addons example apps, for example the todoapp.

I had a look to see if there were any scripts to convert the Hamcrest assertThat assertions into corresponding AssertJ ones, but only turned up Joel’s script that works on vanilla JUnit assertEquals(...) assertions.  So I spent a bit of time updating it to support Hamcrest style assertions.  (I also refactored it so that it doesn’t rely on sed -i which seems to be pretty broken on Windows).

You’ll find a copy of my updated script  in the todoapp’s repo. I’ve left in (though commented out) the original assertions for assertEquals etc; should be easy enough to add in if you want.

Please feel free to pass around!

April 17, 2015 assertj hamcrest isisaddons java junit tdd